MY! Adventure

Source: “ Once upon a time there was an adventure waiting for you to live it. Then one day when you least expected it, the great adventure found you.” Ewan Mc Gregor. MY! app helps you share with the world the best adventures that you’ve lived and experienced. By capturing every delightful moment and highlighting every thrilling episode. There are so many different kinds of adventures out there that we haven’t experienced yet. MY! is here to awaken the inner bold you to tap into these exciting and daring adventures that give you that adrenaline rush and share them on our platform. Who knows you might see something that you have never done before and the thought of doing it creeps in. When was the last time you did something for the first time anyway? MY! is taking that step to tempt you into trying something new and moving you out of your comfort zone. Source: Todo Africa How can one be bored in a beautiful world like this? That’s why MY! is here for you to h...