MY! Robots in Kigali

The outbreak of the coronavirus in 2020 created a conventional challenge for the global community – a viral pandemic affecting millions of people. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Lab partnered with the Ministry of ICT and Innovation to acquire and deploy five smart anti-epidemic robots for use in two COVID-19 treatment centers and at the Kigali International Airport.

The initiative, a first of its kind for UNDP, is a risk mitigation measure to support the national COVID-19 response efforts, especially at a time when there is an increased number of COVID-19 positive patients, and a stretched health system. 

The robots will support detection of COVID-19 cases including among returning citizens, test patients, robots have the capacity to screen between 50 to 150 people per minute, deliver food and medication to patient rooms, capture data (video & audio), and notify officers on duty about detected abnormalities for timely response and case management. Such features are expected to increase timeliness and efficiency in the fight against COVID-19 and reduce exposure of health workers to possible Covid-19 infection.

The robots were acquired through ZoraBots Africa Ltd from their parent company ZoraBots in Brussels, Belgium, and given contextualized Rwandan names that represent the spirit of the nation that emerged from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. With names such as Urumuri (light), Ingabo (shield), and Ikizere (hope), the robots represent hope and the promise of a better future ahead.

Experience has shown that a few countries, notably in Asia, have used similar technologies to help flatten the Covid-19 curve.

It should also be noted that the small number of robots will be used in the highest risk Covid treatment locations supporting the doctors and nurses while minimizing their exposure to possible infection. There will be no loss of jobs. Instead, local Rwandans have gained jobs and have been trained to service and maintain the robots.

We are looking forward to seeing how the lessons and information garnered from this experiment will inform further responses to this and future emergencies. 

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